We work with others as we can achieve more than by working alone. At EDInet we are committed to making impact in communities. Our focus is on enterprise & social entrepreneurship, employability, education, community development, health & wellbeing, diversity & equality, responsible business practice, sustainable development & climate change. Here are some of the projects we’re involved in.
PLAN – Plan-Learn-Act for NEET
PLAN project combines two of the most important social and educational challenges in 21st century Europe – activating the overwhelming social and educational potential of the increasing number of experienced older generation/retired (EOGR) in society to act as Mentors with the mission to generate social and educational value from the dynamic interaction between these two “out of economy” population groups.
Social Innovators Programme
The Social Innovators Programme (SIP) aims to promote sustainable social entrepreneurship & social innovation among young people (aged 18-30) in Eastern Europe by training them and encouraging them to implement innovative solutions to social problems in their countries.
ICT For Seniors
The project will immensely contribute to the development of educators’ and adult trainers’ competences since participants from partner organizations who work with seniors at different capacities will have the first hand opportunity to observe different methodology and techniques used in seniors’ education and inclusion and will benefit from many different activities and best cases they have observed. With the chance of doing research for the project materials that will be developed, they will enhance their skills and competences both academically and practically.
Edinburgh LTT event: 25th to 27th October 2021
My Town Your Town
MY TOWN YOUR TOWN is an innovative project that devises a model that aims to raise employability and skills for youth, through their participation in intergenerational reinterpretation of tourism attractions. The project takes directions from The Commission’s ‘Europe, the world’s No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe (2010), and ‘A European strategy for more growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism’ (2014).
Exchange of European Good Practices – basic skills and key competences for unemployed
The main objective of the project is to gain knowledge on adult education (unemployed) to complement their basic skills and key competences, creation of model of work with unemployed with lack of basic skills and key competences and then use it on a test group of clients.
Opet Aktivni
Cílem projektu je rozvoj kompetencí a zvýšení pracovní uplatnitelnosti min. 25-ti osob z romské národnostní menšiny žijících v Jihomoravském kraji s konkrétním zaměřením především na město Brno prostřednictvím komplexní podpory a systematické pracovní integrace v rámci realizace jednotlivých aktivit projektu.
Staze ve Spanelsku
Cílem projektu je aktivizovat cílovou skupinu znevýhodněné mládeže a zvýšit její schopnosti a potenciál pro vstup na trh práce nebo do dalšího vzdělávání /odborné přípravy prostřednictvím individuální podpory a komplexní práce s cílovou skupinou, jejíž nedílnou součástí je zprostředkování zahraniční stáže v zemi EU – Španělsko.