Newton Fund Institutional Links grants for research collaborations

These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either the partner countries or, through working with the partner country, to address the problems of low-income and vulnerable populations.

Newton Institutional Links aims to build UK-partner country research and innovation collaborations centred on shared research and innovation challenges which have direct relevance to social welfare and economic development.

This programme is designed to establish links beyond the level of the individual researcher and innovation practitioner, opening up opportunities for more sustainable, solution-oriented collaborations between academic groups as well as with the private and third sector (e.g. SMEs, NGOs, technology transfer offices and other not-for-profit organisations).

Grant size

Grants can be between £50,000 – £300,000.

Eligibility criteria

  • Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK, as well as a Principal Applicant from the partner countries. 
  • All Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or Established Researchers.

Applications can be submitted for collaborations between the UK, Egypt, Thailand and Turkey.


19 September 2017, 16:00 UK time.

How to apply

For further information and to apply please visit Institutional Links Grants website.