Month: July 2017

Digital Participation Charter Fund

Supported by the Scottish Government and BT, the new Digital Participation Charter Fund is now open for applications. There is a particular focus for the Fund to support organisations currently working to tackle poverty, social isolation and other forms of inequality to embed basic digital skill development work into their day-to-day activity with service users.

Building on an understanding of ‘what works’ in the development of basic digital skills, the fifth round of the Digital Participation Fund will be focussed on two specific themes:

  • Supporting working age people to increase financial capability, employment and other economic outcomes. 
  • Supporting older and disabled people to reduce social isolation and loneliness

In this round £175,000 is available which will be split 75/25 respectively across the two themes.

Priority will be focussed in two areas:

  • Projects which can demonstrate a track record of working with individuals who are facing issues such as poverty, social isolation and other forms of inequality. 
  • Projects where digital skills activity for their service users are embedded in the organisation’s day-to-day activity.

Eligibility criteria

The Charter Fund is open to groups and organisations from all sectors. We are particularly interested in supporting groups that work closely with their local community. Applicants must operate in Scotland, with awarded funds being spent entirely in Scotland.

Grant size

The minimum amount of funding is £500 and the maximum is £10,000 per project.


5pm on 31st August

How to apply

For further information and to apply, please visit SCVO application page.

Newton Fund Institutional Links grants for research collaborations

These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either the partner countries or, through working with the partner country, to address the problems of low-income and vulnerable populations.

Newton Institutional Links aims to build UK-partner country research and innovation collaborations centred on shared research and innovation challenges which have direct relevance to social welfare and economic development.

This programme is designed to establish links beyond the level of the individual researcher and innovation practitioner, opening up opportunities for more sustainable, solution-oriented collaborations between academic groups as well as with the private and third sector (e.g. SMEs, NGOs, technology transfer offices and other not-for-profit organisations).

Grant size

Grants can be between £50,000 – £300,000.

Eligibility criteria

  • Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK, as well as a Principal Applicant from the partner countries. 
  • All Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or Established Researchers.

Applications can be submitted for collaborations between the UK, Egypt, Thailand and Turkey.


19 September 2017, 16:00 UK time.

How to apply

For further information and to apply please visit Institutional Links Grants website.


Wesleyan Foundation Small Grants for Scottish Charities

This scheme will award up to £1 million in grants each year to small charities with the aim of transforming hundreds of lives and communities across the UK. Foundation Scotland is managing the Small Grants fund in Scotland.

The funding is for projects that address at least one of the following categories:

  • Improve people’s life skills, education, employability and enterprise;
  • Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity; 
  • Advance people’s physical, mental health and wellbeing.

Eligibility criteria
Registered charities, constituted voluntary and community groups across Scotland with an income of less than £250,000 are eligible to apply.

Grant size
The maximum grant available is £2,000 and should be completed within one year.

It’s a rolling programme, which means that applications can be submitted at any time.

How to apply
Applications are made online. For further details and to apply please visit Wesleyan Foundation Small Grants.

Interreg North Sea Region Programme call for proposals

The fourth call for expressions of interest (EoI) under the North Sea Region Programme is open for submissions until the 28 August 2017. The aim is to support development and foster sustained economic growth across the region. The North Sea Region Programme helps enterprises, institutions, public administrations, NGOs and others to pool their expertise, share their experience and cooperate to develop realistic solutions to problems shared by organisations across the region.

With a budget of 167 million euros, the programme is focused on four priority themes:

  • Thinking growth – objectives:
    • Develop new or improved knowledge partnerships between businesses, knowledge institutions, public administrations and end users with a view to long-term cooperation (post project) on developing products and services.
    • Enhance regional innovation support capacity to increase long-term innovation levels and support smart specialization strategies.
    • Stimulate the public sector to generate innovation demand and innovative solutions for improving public service delivery.
  • Eco-innovation – objectives:
    • Promote the development and adoption of products, services and processes to accelerate greening of the North Sea Region economy.
    • Stimulate the adoption of new products, services and processes to reduce the environmental footprint of regions around the North Sea.
  • Sustainable North Sea Region – objectives:
    • Demonstrate new and/or improved methods for improving the climate resilience of target sites.
    • Develop new methods for the long-term sustainable management of North Sea ecosystems.
  • Green transport and mobility – objectives:
    • Develop demonstrations of innovative and/or improved transport and logistics solutions with potential to move large volumes of freight away from long-distance road transportation.
    • Stimulate the take-up and application of green transport solutions for regional freight and personal transport.

Eligibility criteria

The North Sea Region Programme is open to any legal entity in the programme area, which is the whole of Norway and Denmark, eastern parts of the United Kingdom, the Flemish Region of Belgium, northwest Germany, the northern and western parts of the Netherlands and the south western area of Sweden.

You must apply as part of a partnership, and every partnership must include at least 2 beneficiaries from 2 different countries.

Funding rates

All partners can claim reimbursement of 50% of costs for all project activities. There is no formal minimum or maximum
budget for projects, but projects will be assessed on value for money and larger projects will be expected to deliver significant benefits to the programme area.


28 August 2017

How to apply

The application process has two steps: firstly, applicants submit their expression of interest and if successful, they will be invited to submit a full application.

For further details and to submit your expression of interest online, please visit North Sea Region Programme.