The Action Earth scheme by Volunteering Matters provides small grants of between £50-250 for local volunteer groups in Scotland to take action and improve their local environment through volunteering activities.
The funding is for volunteer groups that are creating or improving community gardens or wildflower areas, ponds, woodlands or local green areas.
Local Nature Reserve (LNR) grants of up to £500 are also available for volunteer activities taking place on LNRs such as wildlife recording or protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
Eligibility criteria
In order to be eligible, volunteer groups need to:
- Implement the project in Scotland;
- Work on sites that are accessible to the general public
- Involve at least 15 volunteers who each should give a minimum of five hours.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
How to apply
Applicants need to fill in an online form in order to be emailed a link the grant application form.
For further details and to apply please visit Volunteering Matters.