Life Chances Fund for Older People’s Services and Healthy Lives now open

The Life Chances Fund (LCF) is an £80 million top-up fund, whose objective is to help those people in society who face the most significant barriers to leading happy and productive lives.

The £80 million has been committed by central government to provide contributions to outcome payments for payment-by-results contracts, which involve socially minded investors – ie towards Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). These contracts must be locally commissioned and aim to tackle complex social problems.


The overall objective of the £80 million LCF is to help those people in society who face the most significant barriers to leading happy and productive lives. It will do this by:

  • increasing the number and scale of SIBs in England
  • making it easier and quicker to set up a SIB
  • generating public sector efficiencies by delivering better outcomes and using this to understand how cashable savings are
  • increasing social innovation and building a clear evidence base of what works
  • increasing the amount of capital available to voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector providers to enable them to compete for public sector contracts
  • providing better evidence of the effectiveness of the SIB mechanism and the savings that are being accrued
  • growing the scale of the social investment market


31 July 2017

How to apply

There is a 2-stage application process: firstly only expressions of interest are to be submitted and successful applicants in the first stage will be invited to submit a full application. 

For further information and to apply please click here.