Tag: dementia

Grants for projects focusing on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities and Dementia

The Life Changes Trust is looking to increase understanding about the particular issues that people from certain ‘protected characteristic’ groups may face when they are affected by dementia.

Projects must actively engage people living with dementia or people caring for someone who lives with dementia.

Grant size

The Trust is offering Awards of between £15,000 and £50,000, to be spent over a timescale of up to 2 years (starting from April 2018).


If you are interested in applying for this funding, please contact Graham Hart no later than Thursday 30 November in order to arrange a face to face conversation with a member of the Dementia Programme Team.

How to apply

The application process includes two stages: 

  • Face to face conversation 
  • Short application form and budget sheet which will be completed with a member of the Trust’s Dementia Programme Team.

For further details and to apply please visit the Life Changes Trust.